Archiv für den Tag: 2. April 2022

Bücher 2022

James Clear Atomic Habits ** SB
Joseph Frank Dostoevsky: A Writer in His Time ***** SB
Leonid Borissowitsch Zypkin Ein Sommer in Baden-Baden ** LIT
Muriel Spark A Far Cry From Kensignton **** LIT
Ilona Jerger Und Marx stand still in Darwins Garten ** LIT
David Lodge Thinks… *** LIT
Adam Phillips The Beast In the Nursery ***** SB
Adam Phillips Houdini’s Box ***** SB
Mathias Enart Das Jahresbankett der Totengräber  *** LIT
Ulf Erdmann Ziegler Nichts Weißes * LIT
Emma Smith This Is Shakespeare: How to Read the World’s Greatest Playwright ***** SB
Siegfried König Ludwig Wittgensteins „Philosophische Untersuchungen“ – Eine Einführung *** SB
Serhii Plokhy The Gates of Europe – A History of Ukraine *** SB
Alexandre Lefebvre Interpreting Bergson: Critical Essays *** SB
Jane Austen Persuasion *** LIT

Currently reading…

Catherine Belsey Poststructuralism: A Very Short Introduction ** SB

On the »to read« pile
Albert Camus Die Pest LIT
Italo Calvino Die unsichtbaren Städte LIT
Daniel Mason The Piano Tuner
Jean-Paul Sartre The Imagination SB
Paul Cartledge Ancient Greece: A Very Short Introduction SB
S. A. Smith The Russian Revolution: A Very Short Introduction SB
Gary Gutting Foucault: A Very Short Introduction SB

Currently in the shopping cart
Pierre Hadot The Inner Citadel: The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius