Schlagwort-Archive: O’Farrell

bücher 2025

Mark Ellis Princes Gate: A DCI Frank Merlin Novel DET FIC **
Maggi O’Farrell Hamnet FIC ***
Darryl Jones Horror: A Very Short Introduction SB ***

Currently reading/listening

Matthias Freise Slawistische Literaturwissenschaft Eine Einführung SB ****
Dmytro Cyzevs’kyj A HISTORY OF UKRAINIAN LITERATURE (From the 11th to the End of the 19th Century) SB **
Serhiy Bilenky Romantic Nationalism in Eastern Europe SB
Michael Ferber Romanticism: A Very Short Introduction SB
Peter Singer Marx: A Very Short Introduction SB
Mark Edmundson Literature against Philosophy, Plato to Derrida – A Defence of Poetry SB 
K. Marx, F. Engels Das Kapital SB HIST
Bernard O’Donoghue Poetry: A Very Short Introduction SB ***
Colin McGinn Problems in Philosophy the Limits of Inquiry SB PHIL
W. A. Suchting MARX AND PHILOSOPHY Three Studies SB PHIL